39th GDB Super Bowl Ride
9 February 2025
Cycling enthusiasts will ride from sites all over the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex to Downtown Dallas for the 39th Annual Greater Dallas Bicyclists Super Bowl Sunday Ride meeting at Klyde Warren Park. For the past 39 years, GDB has partnered with bike shops and bicycle clubs all over the metroplex to host a bicycle ride that starts everywhere in Dallas-Fort Worth and converges on downtown Dallas. The ride is free, the people are fun, and the food is great, so don't miss this DFW cycling tradition.
Find a start location near you, show up at the designated time, and pedal through the streets of Dallas and surrounding cities with plenty of friends. If you wear spandex, wear your club, team, or cycling store jersey. If you're into fixies, cruisers, Critical Mass, or Cycle Chic, we'd love to see you too!
This is an event for ALL cyclists!
6 starting locations all over the MetroPlex!
Here are the meet up locations, start times, mileages, and contact information. We hope to see you out there!
Dallas: Bike Friendly Cedars
10:30 AM, White Rock Ale House, 7331 Gaston Avenue, Dallas
Ride Leader: Richard Freeman rhfreeman_sr@sbcglobal.net
~12 miles/10mph avg
Dallas: Greater Dallas Bicyclists
9:30 AM, NW Corner of Preston and Royal, 5959 Royal Lane, Dallas
Ride leader: James Spann webmaster@greaterdallasbicyclists.com
~32 miles/13mph avg
Grand Prairie: Iron Riders Dallas Cycling Club
9:00 AM, details on Facebook page
Ride Leader: Sheryl Porter ironridersdallascyclingclub@gmail.com
~35 miles
Forth Worth Bicycling (FWBA)
8:30 AM, Bell Station TRE, 3232 Bell Flight Blvd., Hurst
Ride Leader: Kent Lundski lunski6303@yahoo.com
~60 miles
See FWBA Website for more details.
Fort Worth: MBBC
8:00 AM #1, 9:00 AM #2, T & P Station (South Side) 200 W. Vickery Blvd., Fort Worth
Ride leader: Bob Barbarosa barbarobabobl@yahoo.com
~68 miles
Two different groups
Group #1: 13-15 mph pace
Group #2: 17+ pace
*See FB page for specific details*
Dallas: Pathfinders Fun Cycling Club
9:00 AM, SATURDAY Valley View Park – Eastern (larger, 2nd parking lot). 13100 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas
Ride leader: Mark Solow marksolow@gmail.com
~36 miles/12 mpg avg
Full details on the Facebook page.
Changing date to SATURDAY due to weather.
Important tips and recommendations for the ride:
WEAR A HELMET. Use of helmets is strongly recommended.
Call ahead to verify start time.
Bring money or a credit card for lunch.
Remove personal items from your bike while you eat to protect your stuff from theft.
Follow the instructions of your ride leaders.
Communicate with your fellow riders and assist them when needed.
Ride no more than 2 abreast (it's Texas law) and only use one lane.
Observe and obey all traffic laws.